Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yesterday I missed an entry. Went to the mausoleum, Hope Mausoleum actually. Nice looking place but I have my issues with the lazy staff there. I won't get into my utter disgust for the term 'hope', but maybe in another entry.

So yeah, I went and left roses for Amy. Went with my neighbor and left roses for her parents as well.

Still my mind was on the fact that I'd rather go to Malta to honor Eric and Connie. Not today, but soon enough it will happen.

I was looking on youtube to a video by Gary. While I agree with much with Gary, I do not altogether with his sentiments in this, though many I do. Death is inevitable, but we gain an understanding of death with an understanding of life. When our life is to end, and it will, so be it. Good, I have no fear of such or refusal to accept such. I guess I take a similar but much more positive attitude than Gary. Yeah..

I'll have to write a proper entry on living and dying, both physical and psychological.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Freedom From the Known? Yeah, with a good attitude..

It's Mardi Gras! My best one was spent in Malta in 2003.

I spent the morning chatting with family and friends. I need to read today and then wash clothes.

I feel refreshed and well. May go for a walk on the lake. It's nice to feel good about myself and my being alive.

Haven't figured out the html problems for the blogger yet. I still prefer diaryland for the html freedom.

Soon I'll write about neuroscience? Well more a personal blog with that involved and why I am interested in that. But maybe make this more personal?

So what am I? I'm happy and free, certainly not miserable. I am what I am, not an image, but a living breathing human being. I can only be experienced in direct communication otherwise one lives in their own perception of me. I feel like art spiegelman at the end of Maus muttering murderer, but its about killing real dialogue and closing in on the delusions of living in ones prejudicial impressions. It's nice to be free, to be psychologically healthy, but more so to true, to live life to the best I can, to live with sincerity.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Greetings and Salutions

I've been quiet as of late. Not much to say, it is as if I were psychologically fasting. Not that I am avoiding anyone, and may my silence not offend any of my friends.

"You have a concept of what you should be and how you should act, and all the time you are in fact acting quite differently; so you see that principles, beliefs and ideals must inevitably lead to hypocrisy and a dishonest life. It is the ideal that creates the opposite to what is, so if you know how to be with 'what is', then the opposite is not necessary."
~ Krishnamurti
